About Us


from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. by phone, WhatsApp or e-mail - just get in touch, and together we will find a solution for your request. Our proofreaders coordinate a large number of scientific papers on a daily basis, contact persons for customers and authors and submit individual offers to you.


Your evaluation helps us to constantly get to know the strengths and weaknesses of our ghostwriters better. Your expert will convince you not only professionally, but also humanly. the author according to different points of view. If you decide to have your academic paper written, we will ask you to take a minute to discuss your collaboration with the author. In this way, we ensure that your expert will be able to provide you with a detailed overview of the services with which your ghostwriter will support you as soon as you request a non-binding quote from us. You can benefit from this already today. The agency assures you of absolute cost transparency right from the start. Thus, if you decide to accept our offer, we guarantee you a fixed price that will not change under any circumstances, unless you explicitly ask for an extension of the order. Our company's many years of experience and proven quality management, as well as our commitment to constantly improving our service, are rewarded with feedback from satisfied customers.


Serving high qualitative standards contributes significantly to the satisfaction of the customer. The tasks of our ghostwriters include structuring and organizing scientific work, formulating research results in writing, writing manuscripts, creating presentations, supplementing or modifying academic texts, optimizing texts through editing and proofreading, evaluating statistics, evaluating and writing upmarket analyses or other empirical studies, or even creating foreign-language texts of any kind.
It is crucial that the academic ghostwriter already has the practical experience and/or has written papers in his or her field that are at the level of university or journal requirements.
The offer we prepare does not contain any hidden costs. It includes all indexing and proofreading loops, which we perform until you are 100% satisfied. Editing and proofreading are already included in the price. In addition, you have the option to pay in previously agreed instalments.

David Jürgens

Medicine & Healthcare

Barbara Schiess

Business Administration and Finance
Corporate Management

Alex Dällinger

Economy & Law
Law / Jurisprudence
Law & Economics

David Jürgens

Medicine & Healthcare

Marketing Management
Marketing & Digital Media
Event Management
Digital Marketing / Online Marketing

Technology Management
Project Management
Management and Engineering
Digital Business Management and Engineering

Economics and Finance
Business Consulting
Betriebswirtschaft – Industrie
Law & Digital Business
BWL & Steuern

Klinische Psychologie
Psychiatrische Pflege
Angewandte Psychologie


Civil Engineering
Electrical engineering
Mechanical engineering

Health management
Occupational Therapy
Fitness Economics

Media Management

Social work
Social management
Social Pedagogy

Tourism Management
Event Management
Sports Management

Public Management

(Business) Psychology

Computer Science
Business Informatics

Price overview of our ghostwriting agency

However, these low costs are then reflected in the usually low linguistic quality.
In order to receive high-quality work, the well-trained academic ghostwriter must be compensated accordingly. An academic ghostwriter must receive an appropriate fee for his or her intellectual services, which - as in any other profession - covers the expenses for health insurance, retirement benefits and taxes.
Many dubious ghostwriting agencies advertise page prices of less than 30 francs. Our ghostwriting prices are based on the number of pages, the deadline for completion, the subject area and the complexity of the topic.
Each request is treated individually and all costs already include a final proofread and a plagiarism check.

What makes us stand out as a ghostwriting agency?

It is no use if the service is inexpensive, but the quality suffers as a result. Conversely, many students cannot afford a ghostwriter who promises high quality to help them with their studies. Fair prices, high quality and friendly customer service are our basis with us. All information and files you have provided us with will be kept absolutely confidential and will be automatically deleted within 30 days after the end of the order.


Since we entered the market in 2015, our goal has been to assemble a competent team of authors capable of providing top-notch professional academic support. We have made significant progress in a short period of time. Just contact us to learn more about our services: Whether you are looking for assistance with your bachelor's or master's thesis or with an academic publication, we will be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation quote with a detailed price overview.

1. Registration

We collect the applicant's basic information, look at professional skills and writing experience.

2. Internal audit

The next step involves a test in the respective field. The time for the test is limited - only 30 minutes, which makes the passage much more difficult for most authors, but only in this way we can select the best candidates for the next stage.

3. Essay testing

So now each candidate should complete a sample essay on a provided topic within 30 minutes. Another probation - to demonize essay writing skills. It is important to understand that candidates do not know the topic of the essay in advance, so they do not have the opportunity to prepare in advance.

4. Document checks

Once approved, a personal mentor guides the writer, reviews their first 5 papers, and holds the final exam based on academic writing requirements. For review, we ask for a copy of a diploma as proof of academic achievement and a copy of identification. Finally, we review the applications and decide if the applicant meets our requirements.


Whether you are looking for an editor to ensure that your academic publication is flawless or need assistance with statistical analysis or a literature review, our German ghostwriting agency will find solutions. Our experts and writers specializing in business and medicine will not only provide you with high-quality papers but will also help you with statistics and empirical topics. Moreover, you have complete control over the writing process as you can provide feedback on drafts and request rewrites if needed. Meeting the client's needs is our top priority. - Are you looking for a reliable expert writer in your field? Our academic writers write for you in many academic fields: from economics to business law, from business administration to psychology - at GHOSTWRITERNRW you will find a ghostwriter who is competent in your field. Our name and our many years of experience as a ghostwriting agency guarantee the highest level of satisfaction and discretion.
GHOST-WRITERS's quality management system, proven since 2015, guarantees you the best results throughout Germany. Economics is one of the disciplines where there is traditionally the greatest demand for scientific ghostwriting. In addition, our statisticians will provide you with professional support in analyzing statistical data - for example, for your bachelor's or master's thesis. We are also happy to support you in your career as part of our doctoral consulting services. GHOST-WRITER guarantees you an experienced ghostwriter in your field as well as a unique scientific copy that exactly meets the requirements of the subject.


The scientific value generally attributed to bachelor theses is rather low. The time frame for writing the bachelor thesis is also tight. Understandably, none of this is conducive to student motivation. Tight deadlines for writing theses make it additionally difficult for students to develop their language skills and learn to deal with scientific standards during their studies. In contrast to the theses of advanced degree programs, Bachelor's theses are thus purely examinations. Studying for a bachelor's degree means learning and working under immense time pressure from the beginning of the course until the final examination. A large number of course modules and the associated examinations that have to be passed each semester leave no scope for in-depth study of course content. As a rule, it is not sufficient to deal with a subject in detail. Many students ask themselves whether it is really worth the effort to write their Bachelor's thesis themselves or whether they would not save time and effort if they had a ghostwriter help them. Writing the bachelor thesis according to the requirements and on time is therefore too big a challenge for many students.

Having a bachelor thesis written - your advantages

Many of them are also engaged in scientific activities themselves and are thus experienced in writing academic texts. For every topic from every subject area, a suitably qualified editor can usually be found in a timely manner. Within academic ghostwriting, writing a bachelor thesis is therefore one of the rather easier tasks. A "ghostwriter bachelor thesis" can therefore usually be written in a relatively short period of time. Our ghostwriter agencies can be very helpful in the search because we work with qualified ghostwriters from a wide variety of scientific fields. This a fact that comes into play, especially when the decision to commission a ghostwriter bachelor thesis is made very late and the deadline is approaching. If you want to have your bachelor's thesis written, you will usually be satisfied with the result. Provided that you entrust this task to a good ghostwriter.

Payment is made according to scheduled milestones - Payment in instalments is possible

In the worst case, there may even be legal consequences. It should be considered above all if the studies are to be completed at a time when the student does not yet feel confident in his ability to write a more comprehensive scientific paper. To what extent he follows the recommendation to formulate his own paper with the help of this template is ultimately his personal responsibility. Those who wish to submit a ghostwritten Bachelor thesis as their own examination performance must include an affidavit that the thesis was written independently. Proof of third-party authorship would result in the thesis not being recognized and being graded "unsatisfactory". However, ghostwriting, unlike the use of plagiarism, is difficult to detect and hard to prove. Regardless of this, a ghostwriter bachelor thesis is always understood as a text template for the customer. All in all, having your own bachelor thesis written can be a good option.


Before the decision is made to have a ghostwriter assist with one's thesis, other alternatives are often considered. This step has proven to be questionable in practice and is evaluated extremely critically, especially by companies. Therefore, having the thesis written by a professional ghostwriter certainly wants to be well considered. The reasons to take help from a ghostwriter are many. On the job market, the demand for applicants with diploma degrees is increasing immensely, especially since in the next few years the contingent of competent diploma graduates will decrease more and more and will soon dry up completely. What many feared has turned out to be reality: The highly enrolled bachelor's degree program falls far short of the quality of the diploma. The result, on the other hand, is usually the same: a high-quality ghostwriter sample solution diploma thesis not only secures one a very good final grade but can also fundamentally help one to succeed in one's career.

Have thesis written - your advantages

So, in view of the current situation, it is certainly worthwhile to approach this project in a well-considered way. Having a ghostwriter write the thesis can be the best option under certain circumstances. A good thesis is a sure ticket to a successful professional career - nationally and internationally. If you want to take advantage of the opportunity to write a thesis that stands up to scientific evaluation by the university as well as critical assessment by representatives from professional practice, the bar is set high. However, this also means that the success of a thesis is not only relevant for graduation but should also withstand critical analysis.
Lack of time, overcrowded seminars and insufficient counselling, personal problems are also factors that do not contribute at all to the success of a thesis. By no means everyone has the opportunity during their studies to expand and deepen their skills and knowledge in such a way that the preparation of a thesis succeeds well. However, only the result counts in the assessment and there is rarely a second chance.

Your thesis will be written by an academic ghostwriter

This benefits those who have a ghostwriter write a thesis. Professional ghostwriting agencies such as ours can count on a selection of qualified writers who produce dissertations for all common disciplines on time and with quality. Like all ghostwriters, our academic ghostwriters are professionals but also experienced specialists in their field. It is not without reason that we are experiencing a steady strong upward trend. Well-founded specialist knowledge, a flexible way of thinking and a great deal of routine in the textual implementation of scientific topics are fundamental to successful ghostwriting, as are absolute discretion and careful handling of customer data.
Of course, when writing a thesis, ghostwriters have to take the same steps as any other student. When citing sources and formulating the text, we too must be conscientious and reliable. We collect and sift sources or data and evaluate them. When writing a thesis, there are many small and large hurdles: lengthy research, tedious rework, and deletion. Unlike less experienced writers, however, we have done all these many times, and know all the pitfalls and how to avoid them. Compliance with scientific standards and formal requirements, stringent argumentation and stylistically convincing formulations are obligatory in academic ghostwriting. We create an outline and research the specialist literature. Formal errors or plagiarism quickly creep into the work of inexperienced students, which is associated with fatal consequences.

An instalment payment of up to 12 months is possible

Having a thesis written is certainly not an option for every German student. However, a ghostwritten thesis, provided it is written by a reputable and qualified ghostwriter, is always subject to strict quality control by a second editor from us. Ghostwriting is a legal service, including academic ghostwriting. The extent to which the client chooses to revise it is up to him. However, whoever decides to take this step, regardless of the motives, and finds a suitable ghostwriter for it, will end up with an above-average quality result in his hands. Therefore, such a ghostwriter thesis is always plagiarism-free, formally follows the respective specifications and is consistently oriented to the content of the question on the topic. Since a diploma thesis is an examination achievement, with which one must affirm under oath the own independent authorship, each ghostwriter thesis of us understands itself only as collecting main.


For an excellent PowerPoint presentation, everything really has to fit. Well-prepared content and original graphics down to the smallest detail are the basis for a confident and convincing presentation. And this is exactly where we can help you professionally and with comprehensive expertise. Whether you are a private individual, a student, a pupil, or a large company - we have just the right thing for you.

The topics are prepared by our experts according to your specifications. We create presentations that are unique, appealing and different. We are happy to work with your own templates for this, but of course, you can also leave the preparation of your presentation entirely to us.

A good presentation always requires convincing content. Here, too, our experts are always at your side.
Depending on your wishes, we can create the entire text or just revise and supplement it. Either way, you can be sure that your topic will be well-researched and easily understood.

Punctuality is a matter of course for us. We not only deliver your texts on time but in many cases ahead of schedule. Of course, your personal or company data is 100% protected at every stage of the work process and afterwards.

Our team is there for you personally from the very beginning: by phone, e-mail or chat. A dedicated contact person is always there for you during the entire process. Let us convince you.

We offer the following presentations:

✔ Scientific presentations
✔ Product presentations
✔ Presentations for business plans
✔ Professional presentations
✔ Other


Do you wish to have your texts edited and proofread by scientists? Then you have come to the right place.
You can take advantage of the following services:

✔ proofreading
✔ Academic proofreading
✔ Checking for plagiarism


We are a company specializing in academic writing and educational services. As academics, we know the needs and desires of our clients. Our experience and know-how distinguish us and allow us to design customized solutions for you and provide the necessary support and assistance.

The Vision
High quality scientific writing at an affordable price - that is our goal. Because we know how difficult it can be for any student to meet all the needs and requirements, which often include studies, family and job.
We want to give students the opportunity to have free time, meet their obligations and at the same time advance their studies with high quality work.


We hire experienced writers who understand their craft and have academic degree. They work reliably, meet the requirements of the respective university or college, observe the required standards of scientific work and deliver results on time. They work discreetly, and seriously and address specific questions.


The use of a professional ghostwriter can greatly relieve a student, especially if the student is working or has family obligations to fulfil. In this respect, it is in line with our vision to provide equal opportunities with our help, because everyone should be able to learn.


Our writers are experienced professionals in their field. All of them have a university degree. So, they can refer to their experience in writing scientific articles. They create one-of-a-kind articles that meet the exact specifications and requirements of universities or colleges.


The activities of our writers include: structuring academic papers, formulating written research results, writing manuscripts, creating presentations, supplementing or reformulating scientific texts, optimizing texts through editing and proofreading, evaluating statistics, evaluating market analyses or evaluating studies, and creating various types of works.


It is important that the scientific author can refer to the practical experience required by the university or journal and/or other writing work in his or her field. The use of high quality standards contributes significantly to customer satisfaction. Not only high professional standards of our writers represent a decisive advantage, but also reliability, discretion and excellent language skills give customers the assurance of receiving high-quality products.


Academic work is based on the process of scientific research. It should be a logical and user-friendly structure. The basic structure of any academic work includes:

1. title/cover page
2. table of contents
3. introduction, main part, end
4. bibliography

Depending on the scope of work (essay - thesis - master thesis, etc.) additional sections are added.

The structure and the labels from the chapters serve as a guide for the reader. Normally, they decide afterwards whether it is worth reading the work at all or not or whether the content corresponds to their ideas. A common thread should be recognizable through the outline. In general, care should be taken to divide the paper as purely as possible according to criteria.

In addition, the chains of argumentation are not interrupted and the sections that belong together are not interrupted by bullet points. In the decimal system, it should not exceed three digits (e.g., "1.3.3"). In addition, chapter headings or sections without tables of contents) should be avoided.

The size of each chapter should more or less correspond to the content meaning. Therefore, it is important to provide balance. As a result, the actual treatment of the problem will occupy a larger proportion in the overall scope of, for example, introductory words and historical research journals. Especially the presentation of circumstances or historical outlines should be kept short, if they are relevant to the problem at all.


Formal rules: Basics of scientific communication
Term papers, seminar papers, presentations and term papers are an integral part of a study program. In addition to examinations, a course of study is completed by a bachelor's or master's thesis. The difference between a "small" essay and a dissertation is smaller than you might think. You have to show that you can do academic work, and for that, the basic rules are always the same:

  • Traceability

  • New findings

  • Opinions and facts should not be mixed

These rules are the basis of communication and understanding among scientists. On the one hand, they constrain us, but on the other hand, they provide us with a framework for academic work that allows us to understand and appreciate the work of others. Therefore, rules should not be understood as something constricting, such as a corset, but as a prerequisite for being able to write works that will then be understood by the reader.

This guide is meant to serve as a toolbox to help you avoid mistakes and enjoy academic writing. Once you have practised using the tools, they will no longer be an obstacle but will enable you to use science effectively and in greater depth.

Studying is taking a chosen course of study over several years, changing your personality and your view of the world, as well as developing general and disciplinary, personal and social thinking and learning skills.

Learning is more than just memorizing content and reproducing it in exams. Examining one's own learning and thinking processes should also be part of the course. So it makes sense to reflect on strengths, weaknesses and approaches to solve problems and be open to possible changes. New experiences, reflections and approaches have to be accepted as challenges to be tried out.

If possible, the knowledge imparted in the course of study should not be completely separated from one's own experiences and knowledge. It is especially important to integrate newly acquired knowledge into everyday life. In this way, it can be better understood integrated with existing knowledge and more easily recalled.

It is also important to ensure that the learning process is completed. It makes no sense to work through as many lessons as possible over a longer period of time and to collect texts for further processing. The build-up of knowledge should always be followed by phases of deepening, i.e. working on and consolidating the material. Only well-prepared, transparently structured and flexible knowledge can be used as a learning and problem-solving tool.

Attention should be paid to the development and refinement of personal and scientific techniques and learning skills throughout the course of study. Activities focus on scientific literature and scientific writing and presentation. Any intentional learning activity such as active listening and note-taking, word and data processing, presentation preparation, and written work will contribute to the cultivation and strengthening of these fundamental skills. Every opportunity should be taken to review learning processes and strategies and revise as necessary.

A course of study is much more than just taking a particular course. Opportunities to actively participate in research projects, internships or tutorials should be taken advantage of. This deepens the learning content and allows it to be seen from a different perspective. In addition, one learns what science can do or how it can be put into practice.

With fellow students, you can exchange learning strategies and material and support each other in case of difficulties. This is as important a part of studying as individual work. In teamwork and focus groups, one develops social skills and the ability to accept other opinions and approaches. These aspects are not a side effect of studying but must be consciously cultivated.


There are different views on how to approach academic research. Here we list two popular models - linear and circular - that have proven useful.
Linear models are more commonly used in quantitative research, where the goal is to explore causal relationships or achieve numerical representation. It is important to always collect data in the same way. Only in this way, they are statistically comparable and the results are representative. The circular model is mainly used in qualitative research, which is mainly concerned with reconstructing and understanding social processes.
In contrast to quantitative research, in qualitative research, the initial conditions are less clearly defined at the beginning of the study. Thus, step by step, the database is defined, and surveys and assessments are conducted. They are compared with each other and additionally contribute to the theory at each step.
The advantage is that new findings are made during the research and can be incorporated into it. Representativeness is not achieved by the number of cases, but by selecting the widest possible range of relevant cases, which are then studied in more detail.
Like the circular model, research can be described as a process in which the question is central and linked to other components through various relationships. The question is at the centre of the research process and affects every step. It also highlights the importance of a well-chosen question.


When choosing a topic, there are basically two options: either reply to a published topic or choose your own topic. Both ways have advantages and disadvantages. Choosing a topic that has already been written has the advantage that this topic is better integrated into the work. However, it is not always possible to include your own ideas.

If you choose your own topic, there is enough room for creativity, but there may be a lack of contacts who can help one with difficulties.
Especially for a bachelor's or master's thesis that you have been working on for some time, you should choose a topic that matches your interests. Interest is not the only prerequisite for a suitable question or a good choice of topic, but the willingness to write and deal with the topic is greater.

However, if you have a proposal yourself, the preliminary clarification and possible adaptation usually take a relatively long time. It must therefore be clear from it whether the intended subject is within the scope of the faculty's research direction, whether the time schedule is reasonable and, whether sufficient documentation is available.

On the other hand, it makes little sense to choose a topic only because you have a large number of materials available, since on the one hand, the large number makes it difficult to concentrate on a particular topic, and on the other hand, the quantity does not matter what the final quality of the work is.
If you have an influence on your choice of topic, you should use it. This allows you to consider your own interests and abilities and ask yourself, for example:

Where do my talents lie? What can I do very well? Where are my weaknesses? Which subject area is interesting for me?
Do I need support or do I prefer to solve problems on my own?

Recently, geography in particular - along with the social sciences - has become a problem-oriented subject. This means that solutions to the problems of environmental pollution are sought, and globalization and statistical data processing are taken up. The topic of a conference, lecture, or seminar can also be discussed as a problem.
Knowledge-based research also has its place alongside problem-oriented research. The starting point is not a specific problem but, the goal to gain knowledge on a specific topic. In academic work, the problem defines a common framework. It describes what is fundamentally at stake.

The question describes the problem part about which "knowledge is created". It precedes the work and results from the problem statement. If possible, it should be addressed in the course of the work and should (partially) contribute to the solution of a problem.
Finding a good problem statement is one of the most challenging tasks of a scientific paper. Without a clearly defined problem, there is a risk of writing too much. Therefore, it is very important to spend enough time on it and refer to it while writing.

Question development is a process that only ends with data analysis. The right questions are usually not clearly defined from the beginning but usually emerge only after a long period of familiarization. Good sources for questions can be theoretical works, methods and models, or scientific journals and public discourse topics, etc. When it comes to concretization, exchange with other students who are in a similar situation helps. In this way, fixed opinions and ideas can be challenged and more topics and aspects can be considered