Fair prices

For us, one page corresponds to the size of a common page written in scientific style. Of course, the size of your order also influences the price we offer you. Whether it's a term paper, seminar paper, bachelor's thesis or master's thesis: whatever you order from us, our ghostwriters will always deliver professionally written work that meets the highest academic standards. One DIN A4 page corresponds to 1800 characters or 300 words. Of course, the content of your project influences the amount of work our ghostwriters have to do. If your project is pure literature work, the costs will be lower than for empirical work with statistical analysis. As you can see from the rough guidelines, the prices for ghostwriting vary greatly. Simply ask us for a non-binding quote for your work.


1. request

You tell us online what work, on what topic, in what scope you want us to create and by what date you need it. Tell us your price idea.

2. Offer

Based on your request, we select the appropriate author for your work and then send you an individual offer. We will select the most suitable author for your work and send you an individual offer.

3. Partial deliveries

This will be sent to you in partial deliveries. You will have the opportunity to inform us of any changes you wish to make to your work. After the order has been placed and the deposit has been paid, our academic writer will start working on your paper.

4. Final work

However, if you have any suggestions for improvement, the author can consider them afterwards. This has been carefully checked by us, is free of plagiarism and meets the highest quality requirements.

Standard price

Our target price is 40.00 CHF / page
Arial 12; line spacing 1.5

Higher price

Highly complex topic
Empirical work
Master thesis
Bachelor thesis
Short-term time frame

Lower price

Simple topic
Literature paper
Term paper
Matura thesis
longer term

Ghostwriter prices

What is the cost of a unique academic piece of work that a ghostwriter will do for you?
GHOSTWRITERNRW offers you a large portfolio of different academic services:
preparation of academic papers
linguistic revision of finished texts that you deliver to us
Each order is calculated individually, taking into account the various factors that you have previously communicated to us.
The size of your work, the type of project you wish to realize, and the subject area in which the work is to be done all play a major role.
Every order we take on is processed with the utmost care, according to the latest scientific knowledge, at the highest academic level, and delivered on time.
The author who prepares your order spends a lot of time on the preparation and implementation of your project. He will personally address all your questions and requests and implement the required criteria with precision.
In order to be able to estimate what costs you will incur, you can contact us at any time by mail or telephone to receive an individual and non-binding offer.
Of course, all the data you provide will remain anonymous.
For Bachelor's and Master's theses, the fee includes an exposé (consisting of an outline, introduction, and preliminary bibliography), all required lists (outline, tables, figures, and bibliography), proofreading, and a plagiarism check.
For dissertations, the fee also includes extensive telephone consultations (once a week).
In order to be able to accurately estimate and calculate the price of a thesis, the following factors, among others, are taken into account in the calculation
A higher fee is caused by:

a more complex topic
Empirical work
Doctoral thesis/ dissertation
Preparation for a defense in the case of Bachelor's and Master's theses
Conference calls for dissertations.

A lower fee is conditioned by:
simple topic
Literature work

Your safety and the quality of your work are our priority

That's what we promise you!. Both your term paper or seminar paper and your bachelor's thesis, master's thesis or doctoral dissertation will be written by academic experts with extensive experience in your field. This means that the cost of fair compensation of our academic experts with many years of experience is fully included in our prices. You will not find amateur writers with us, because we strictly check the qualifications of our academic ghostwriters. This way, we can ensure that you will definitely receive the quality you deserve. In addition, you have absolute price security with us. If you do not wish to change the scope of the assignment yourself, do not expect any further charges for our ghostwriting service. In terms of our quality standards, the quality of your work, and therefore your success, we make no compromises.

The most important questions about our ghostwriter prices

I want to hire a PhD ghostwriter, should I expect higher costs?
As a customer, however, you should be aware that the costs for a ghostwriter with appropriate qualifications are higher than for a ghostwriter who does not even have an academic degree. Therefore, Ghost-writers only use ghostwriters with good academic records for each project. If it is particularly important to you to hire a ghostwriter who already has a doctorate, you should therefore be prepared for the fact that the prices for such ghostwriting will be higher than if you hire a cheap agency that cannot provide such a service. The prices for a ghostwriter in the academic field vary greatly. Especially with the low prices of ghostwriting agencies, the question arises whether you want to have a sample template written for your own master's thesis, by someone who has not even written a master's thesis himself.

What factors make up the prices for ghostwriting?
Therefore, ghostwriting agencies often measure the price per page. Furthermore, of course, the scope of such work also plays a decisive role. First, the discipline and the topic on which the work is to be written. Quality also has its price in ghostwriting. Therefore, the prices of such ghostwriting are naturally higher. Here it is about the time a ghostwriter must operate to write the work. Good agencies are well aware of their own quality and can rely on their team of academic ghostwriters. You can recognize reputable agencies by the fact that they submit a cost estimate (by the way, also for proofreading and editing), which is declared as a fixed price, i.e. it will not be exceeded, no matter how much extra work is added on top of the estimated effort. Strong specializations of a subject discipline, such as a dissertation, naturally place different demands on the ghostwriter than writing a term paper in the first semester. The prices for a successful ghostwriter are made up of various factors. Here, the typical laws of the market of supply and demand take effect.

Is a high price a guarantee of good ghostwriting?
Therefore, the rule of thumb is to pay attention not only to the price but also to whether the task is placed in good hands. It is also advisable to put the agency's experience in writing such work to the test by asking specific questions. Also, one should make sure that a ghostwriter has been entrusted with the task and has ample experience in the required field. Therefore, a cheap price should not be the preferred or even the only considered feature when choosing a ghostwriting agency. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the contact person makes a serious impression. Charging a high price for ghostwriting is of course per se no guarantee for high-quality work. However, as in other areas of life, it often turns out that buying cheap means buying twice.

I want to hire a ghostwriter cheaply, do you have a cheap rate?
Even though we always try to offer you the service of our ghostwriters at a low price - as low as possible - we do not offer a cheap rate at the expense of the quality of our work. After all, as one of the leading ghostwriting agencies in the area of Germany, it is of the highest priority for us to be able to provide you with solid quality from academic experts at all times.

I would like to have a term paper written: Cost on average?
The average cost of having a sample term paper written for you is between CHF 250 - CHF 1600. Of course, the ghostwriter prices here also vary greatly depending on the required number of pages, the topic, the subject area and the available editing time. In any case, we will try to find the most cost-effective and high-quality solution for you.

Ghostwriter for bachelor thesis in political science

From Bachelor to Master Thesis in Political Science

If students of political science graduated with Magister or Diplom before the Bologna reform, today the Master is the usual form of the highest academic degree before the doctorate, which is completed with the doctoral thesis or dissertation.
On average, the 60 to 130 pages of the master's thesis in political science must be written within 6 months.
Are you facing stress, pressure to perform, and anxiety exclusively during the editing period and need help to finally sleep through it?
If your supervisor does not have time, we will take over this task and help you on the way to your master's degree.
Whether you need assistance with topic identification, writing, or statistical analysis, it doesn't matter to our ghostwriters.
Our writers are well-versed in scientific methods and, upon request, will also write a template for your master's thesis in political science that you can easily work with.

Ghostwriter of political science as support in studies

We put a lot of emphasis on the qualification of our writers.
Via secure email communication, you have the option to contact your personal policy ghostwriter at any time. Conveniently exchange files and benefit from the transparent overview that allows you to keep track of the progress on your assignment at all times.
Your personal writer brings the necessary expertise for your topic, so you can exchange it at a high level.
All files and dialogue are deleted at the end of the assignment. Our writers work quickly because they have internalized the preparation of scientific papers and know where to find which literature

Ghostwriter for bachelor thesis in political science

You make a deposit and then you pay only for the particular part that you have already received. We have several payment options, including PayPal, so you feel safe with us. Payment by installments is also possible.
Each of the texts we write is unique, for which new research is done.
The price is calculated according to the demand and effort.

Checking for plagiarism
Before the final delivery, each academic paper is checked for plagiarism. Special software is used for this purpose, which is also used by universities and colleges.

Personal manager for your project
Throughout the process, the personal project manager, who will specifically respond to your needs, will be at your disposal.

Academic proofreading
Before the final submission of your work, it will be checked for spelling, content, and academic merit.

Performance overview

Each of the tasks we complete is subject to strict quality control by a supervisor and our team.
Besides the content, the correctness of the external form is also responsible for the success of a work. Therefore, attention should also be paid to this.

Editing and proofreading
Your work will be checked for the hardest, such as punctuation, so that in the end you will get a flawless style of your work.
Even if your work lacks a common thread, a supervisor will take care of getting the necessary depth and stringency.

We are experts in this field! We can assist you with your task and deliver a fast and plagiarism-free work.

Literature research

Relevant and high-quality literature is essential for the success of academic work. It is important to proceed as planned and as systematically as possible when searching for documents. On the one hand, this reduces the risk of finding less useful and one-sided material, and on the other hand, it reduces the time required.

When searching for literature, especially for bachelor's and master's theses, one should first consider what one is looking for and how the search should be structured. Uncoordinated and aimless research costs a lot of time and makes it difficult to get an overview of a new topic. With access to online journals and databases, there is no time left to say, "I can't find any literature on my topic."

Literature search process

Defining the topic
Before searching for the actual literature, key subject areas need to be identified, although this is difficult to do at this stage, you should assess the quantity and quality of documents. It is important to consider which subject areas are of interest, what access points exist, and what types of subject documents are covered.

Thinking about the subject boundaries
The boundaries of a topic should be considered and respected (already during the literature search). Otherwise, you will be overwhelmed because of the amount of material and waste a lot of time.

Identify the most important sources
Summaries, bibliographies and source references (dictionaries etc.) are helpful. Bibliographies and databases are available on a variety of topics. Aim to find very current materials.

Consider literature management
Before taking a shower, it is advisable to determine in which format documents and folders or literature and references should be saved. A separate literature management system is especially useful for longer jobs. From the very beginning, attention should be paid to the completeness of the information, even if the quality and importance of the sources cannot be judged immediately. Completing and searching for it is extremely tedious and should better be avoided.

The literature management system does not have to be created electronically; index cards or similar are very useful, especially for small tasks. There are several programs available for the electronic management of literature, e.g. Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley, BibTex, and Citavi.

Zotero, for example, is a user-friendly tool for collecting, organizing and citing bibliographic resources and is integrated directly into the web browser. On many websites, Zotero automatically finds document information that can then be added to your own collection with one click. If Zotero does not find the information automatically, it can also be entered manually.

List of sources to search
The sources you want to search for are best listed in full (based on their relevance to the job). It is best to start with a general search of, for example, encyclopedias, library catalogues, encyclopedias, and general databases, and then search only for specific literature.

Save search results
The results of the research should be recorded as completely as possible. Even sources that were deemed irrelevant at the beginning of the work should be noted. This can save a lot of time later since all referenced sources are already classified.

Difference between empirical work and a literary work

In a literature paper, the existing literature is used. In an empirical paper, on the other hand, you use your own data collection to answer the question of the paper.
If you want to write a literature paper, you have to do extensive research. With empirical work, you can, for example, conduct interviews, surveys or the like.
Structure and procedure of a literature work
One begins with an introduction to give the reader an insight into the subject and the question is mentioned. In the main part, the results of the literature research are presented and classified.

Generally, a literature work is structured as follows:

Introduction (present research question)
Theory (thesis)
Current state of research
Main part (literature results are reproduced)
Analysis of results

Once the appropriate topic and the research question have been found, one can now turn to the literature research. For this you have to proceed in a structured way.
After that, the relevant contents are sorted and an exposé is worked out, which gives the reader a rough orientation.
The methodology part that follows should clarify the following questions: What literature was used? What criteria for selection were used? How is the research question answered?

Structure and procedure of an empirical paper
One can roughly divide the work into the introduction, main part and conclusion (with conclusion). In the introduction the most important parts of the thesis are mentioned and an insight about the contents is given.
The theoretical and practical part is presented in the main part. In the theory part it is important to define terms. The practical part includes hypothesis, methodology selection, study design, material presentation, procedure description and data analysis.
Finally, the conclusion section draws a conclusion with reference to the introduction. No new findings are mentioned - this must have been completed in the main body.

How do I decide now?
Many decide to do the literature review because you can start collecting data right away. However, one should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of both methods:
Advantages of a literature work

✔️Man you do not have to do your own data collection
✔️Alles, what you need, you can find in the literature
✔️Recherche is easy to plan
✔️Aufwendige evaluation software is not necessary


❌ No new findings
❌ Time-consuming research
❌ Practical relevance is limited
❌ Necessary publications for data collection are missing

Advantages of empirical work

✔️Datenerhebung is entirely up to you
✔️Hervorbringen new findings
✔️Forschung can be adapted to research question
✔️hoher importance for academic texts.


❌Unpredictable problems
❌Study design must be detailed
❌Extensive evaluation
❌High workload
❌dependent on study participants

Why should you have a book written?

  • You are taken more seriously

  • Amplification of your respective activities (e.g. business or marketing)

  • Clarification of own services and risks of the industry as well as the possibilities

  • Building trust

  • Positioning

What are the advantages of having your own book?

  • Authority and expert status

  • Attention

  • New customers

  • Communication of your own message

  • New conversations with new people

  • New perspective for readers

  • Enlargement of the network

  • new income opportunity (passive income)

  • potential gift for clients and partners

If you want to enjoy all these benefits but don't have the time or inclination to write a book, consider having a book written.

Why should you have a book written?

  • Many people have too little time

  • Don't want to write it themselves

  • Takes too long to write your own book

  • Writing is not one of your talents

  • Correcting is very time-consuming

  • You are discouraged by design and publication

  • If you have these problems, contact us. We can help you.

We understand if you are too busy to sit down in front of the computer and write for hours.
But the problem is also that once you've written, you're far from done. You have to design the manuscript, print it, and publish it.
That can sometimes overwhelm you. And readers will notice if you don't give 100% when writing because you're stressed. That's what we're here for - to support you.

Why you may not have written a book yet:

1. you don't have time.
Many professionals and entrepreneurs are so busy with their daily work that they don't have time to write a book. With us it is only a few hours.

2. they have too little expertise.
Some people don't lack the will, but the knowledge. But some simply cannot write a book. But that doesn't mean you can't become an author. Contact us and we will help you from the beginning to the end.

3. you are overwhelmed by the task.
It is not only exhausting but also complicated to write a book. You have to research the necessary information and still formulate it properly.

4. you lack a real reason
Many don't know that you can benefit a lot from a book. You can gain not only influence but also money. The number of customers can increase. It's an accelerator for everything, so to speak.

And all this just by having a book.
Therefore, here are the 7 reasons why really every entrepreneur needs to publish a book.

1. Authority.

When someone has written a book about a certain topic, you automatically think that they have studied the subject and have a clue about what they are talking about.
You radiate a different aura, so to speak, and are seen with different eyes. One looks up to you.

2. new customers with new possibilities.
You publish not only a book but also your feelings and views. People can use this to find sympathizers, for example, by giving you a giveaway or using it as a new customer gift. People will automatically trust you.

Some people think that to write a book, you need to publish at least 200-300 pages. No. Just 50-70 pages are enough to introduce your perspective and start conversations.

3. you present your position to the world.

Not only your views but you yourself are presented to the world. You stand in a special light.
Perhaps you have found a special method and now want to teach the world about it.
With a book, you automatically stand out!

4. you get new opportunities
You will be amazed at how many doors will open and how your network will expand. Some people have things happen to them that they never dreamed of. Your book may become a complete success, becoming a bestseller or being distributed at conventions. Imagine that! Contact us, we will help you to be seen.

5. synergy.
A book increases your visibility. It doesn't matter if you already have your own product. Such work creates an impression and you can tell about yourself and your life story. If you have overcome problems, tell them about them.
You make instructive advertising, so to speak.

6. influencing people.
People take the time to read a book by you: Your views, ideas, and stories. They will discover new information, solutions and perspectives. This rubs off on them and you are positively influenced. Contact us and we will support you on your way.