Our services

We offer academic ghostwriting, writing support, editing, proofreading and coaching services from experienced & certified ghostwriters.

Über uns und was wir tun

Wir garantieren sowohl unseren Ghostwritern als auch unseren Kunden vollste Anonymität. Der Ghostwriter kann indes sicher sein, dass er auch für seine Leistungen entlohnt wird. Häufig erkundigen sich Kunden nach der Sicherheit unserer Dienstleistung.

PhD Consulting

Graduates with a doctorate from a college or university are regarded as knowledgeable and willing to perform and achieve an average annual salary of CHF 10,000 more in their entry-level job than their colleagues without a doctorate. In Germany, Austria, and the doctorate is still considered a classic career accelerator.


Our team offers you a fast and flexible translation service that will process your scientific texts, papers, articles or publications with the highest quality and translate them into many major languages. Of course, this also applies to translations of academic texts and scientific papers.

Plagiarism check

Whether in the form of text excerpts, data, tables or figures: The reference to the current state of research is always an essential part of academic work. The recent scandals involving the scientific work of numerous politicians are an indication of the need for a thorough plagiarism check of every academic paper.


In an academic paper, besides the quality of the text's content, the right external form is also of great importance. Our academic freelancers will gladly take care of the correct formatting of your academic paper according to your requirements, saving you time and problems.

MAXQDA Evaluation

Among the programs for evaluating qualitative and mixed methods research, MAXQDA software is one of the most popular and successful options available to researchers, students, and analysts. MAXQDA and evaluation with MAXQDA belong to the so-called QDA software - "Qualitative Data Analysis" software - which thus forms part of MAXQDA's name.


Every painstakingly created text can contain careless mistakes, grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Professional proofreading improves the mistakes you have overlooked - and increases the chances of success of your scientific work.
Proofreading a scientific paper or publication should not be taken "lightly".


Professional proofreading is therefore indispensable before the submission of an important scientific paper or even the publication of high-quality texts - here, beyond the services of proofreading (checking for spelling mistakes & grammatical improvements), scientific, structural and stylistic errors are also revised.


Ghostwriting of academic articles, manuscripts, papers and texts thrives on quality and trust. Offers high-quality ghostwriting services in the scientific field with currently over 3000 freelance academic ghostwriters.
Ghostwriting represents a particularly high-quality and sophisticated service in the field of editing texts.


Contact us today to get a job well done

Have term papers written

After that, the writing of your term paper will begin. If you choose GHOST-WRITERS.eu, you can be sure that your term paper will be a unique scientific work.
As soon as you have given us the order to write your term paper, we will create an outline and a bibliography. If you wish, we will hold a telephone conversation before we start working on your term paper, during which we will answer all your remaining questions.

Have a bachelor thesis written

Often, students have to write such an extensive scientific paper for the first time at the end of their studies. While lecturers and professors only demand small term papers during their studies, students are confronted with the spectre of a bachelor thesis at the end. Writing a bachelor's thesis requires a lot of experience and scientific skills.

Have your master's thesis written

Many students complete their master's degree while working and therefore do not have the necessary time to deal sufficiently with their master's thesis.
Since a master's degree requires sound scientific knowledge and skills, the thesis must also be written at the highest scientific level and prove...

Have a doctoral thesis written

Free professions as a reference, or as a researcher or lecturer in university teaching. The writing of a doctoral thesis is, as it were, the "freestyle" of every academic and to a certain extent the "high point" in the life of a serious academic; but possibly also the starting point for a successful career, whether in the free economy or in the so-called "academic world". Particular importance is already attached to the development of a central research question...

Scientific proofreading

You have written a term paper, or bachelor's or master's thesis and would like to have your work checked?
You would like to know whether your lecturer or professor recognizes the red thread. And whether your work is free of grammatical errors?
Then write to us!


You need help to cope with your studies, you have a job interview in the near future and need help to present yourself convincingly to a potential new employer or you have to write a scientific paper and don't know where to start. We would be happy to help you put your project into action and support you in realizing your plans.

Creation of website content

Your business idea is already polished and you would like to start immediately - but you are still missing the right content for your website? I would be happy to help you implement your ideas and fill your website with meaningful, individual and customized content. My authors and I are specialized in various fields and will help you to finally get started!

Have biography written

Writing a biography requires an investment of time that is limited, especially for people with professional commitments. Even if your priorities lie in day-to-day business or you have a low affinity for literary writing, your story doesn't have to just stay in your head. Our Germany ghostwriters will write your biography together with you.