Will ChatGPT replace jobs? 20 professions that will change due to AI like ChatGPT

When you think about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market, are you more on the apocalyptic or utopian side? Or maybe something in between? In any case, one thing is certain: artificial intelligence will continue to evolve. And the question is still: Will AI replace jobs?


3/27/20238 min read

When you think about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market, are you more on the apocalyptic or utopian side? Or maybe something in between? In any case, one thing is certain: artificial intelligence will continue to evolve. And the question still remains: will AI replace jobs?

The introduction of ChatGPT has sparked several discussions, including the impact of AI on employment. In some professions, it can improve efficiency. In the healthcare industry, for example, AI can help doctors diagnose patients by analyzing large amounts of medical data. This allows healthcare professionals to focus on providing individualized care to their patients.

However, there are also concerns about the potential negative impact of AI on the labor market. The concern is that AI could lead to job displacement in certain industries as machines and algorithms replace human workers. Therefore, it's important to address the challenges and uncertainties involved and help workers prepare for the changes ahead.

Are you wondering if AI will take your job? In this article, we take a look at 20 occupations that are likely to be affected by AI in the coming years and examine how they will change.

20 Professions That Will Be Transformed by AI and ChatGPT.

AI is changing the way we live and work at a rapid pace, and its impact on the job market is no exception. Get ready for a look at AI's potential impact on employment.

1. customer service representatives

AI-driven virtual assistants and chatbots can handle a large number of customer inquiries and resolve issues faster than human representatives, reducing wait times and increasing overall customer satisfaction.

Consequently, human customer service representatives can focus more on situations where the complexity of the request or the customer's emotions require a human touch. They are also assigned tasks that require problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity.

2. level 1 help desk agents.

With the increasing use of AI-powered features such as InvGate's AI-powered answer suggestions, Level 1 helpdesk agents are able to write better and more insightful answers in seconds, saving them time and allowing them to handle more requests efficiently. In addition, AI can help them categorize incidents and prioritize tickets.

However, even though AI can improve agent capabilities, many customers still prefer to interact with a human agent, especially when dealing with complex issues or when they are frustrated or angry.

3. data entry clerks.

There are many benefits to using AI for data entry, especially in terms of speed. AI algorithms are capable of processing large amounts of information at a rapid pace, far beyond what a human worker could accomplish. Not only is AI software fast, but it can also identify patterns and trends in data that are not immediately apparent to human workers, leading to greater efficiency and a lower error rate.

By automating repetitive data entry tasks, AI allows employees to focus on more strategic, higher-level activities. For example, instead of spending hours entering data into spreadsheets, employees can use their skills and expertise to analyze the data and make informed decisions based on the results. This change will lead to higher productivity and efficiency as employees can focus on tasks that better match their skills and interests.

4. telemarketing agent

The integration of AI and chatbots in telemarketing will likely change the roles and responsibilities of agents. With the ability to make automated sales calls, handle lead generation and conduct market research, AI-powered bots can significantly reduce the need for agents.

However, human telemarketing agents will continue to play an important role in the industry, especially in handling complex sales and building customer relationships.

5. accountants

We have already mentioned how data entry tasks can be automated. In addition, AI systems can improve the accuracy of financial data by reducing human error and detecting anomalies in real time. Chatbots can also perform basic financial analysis and help with compliance tasks such as tax filing.

However, even though AI and chatbots can automate many routine tasks, human accountants will continue to play a critical role in the industry. Their expertise, judgment and experience will still be needed to provide valuable insights and make strategic decisions.

6. retail sales associates

AI-powered chatbots can handle customer queries, such as for product information, opening hours, and locations. They can also track inventory and predict future sales patterns. In addition, AI algorithms can analyze customer data and make personalized product recommendations. Finally, chatbots can provide customers with a more seamless and efficient shopping experience, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Despite the potential of AI and chatbots to automate some aspects of the retail associate role, human retail associates will continue to play an important role in the industry. Their interpersonal skills, empathy, and ability to form an emotional connection with customers will continue to be highly valued.

7. paralegals and legal professionals.

AI algorithms can quickly and accurately review and categorize large volumes of legal documents, analyze large volumes of legal data and information, and identify potential issues or discrepancies. These tasks reduce the time and effort required of human paralegals.

Although AI and chatbots can streamline many tasks, human paralegals will continue to play an important role. Human skills such as critical thinking, judgment, and a deep understanding of legal principles and practices are difficult for AI systems to replicate. In addition, the use of AI may also create new employment opportunities for paralegals with expertise in AI and technology.

8. news reporters

AI algorithms and models such as ChatGPT or its alternatives can produce news articles, summaries, and reports based on data and other information sources. In addition, AI-powered tools can help with fact-checking and information verification, reducing the risk of errors in news reporting. AI systems can also provide real-time news updates and analysis, giving journalists and the general public faster access to information.

In this way, AI can transform the way news is gathered, reported, and disseminated. However, the role of human journalists will still be necessary in areas such as investigative journalism, opinion writing, and providing context and analysis on news events.

9. insurance agents

AI algorithms can quickly analyze vast amounts of data, including customer information, financial data, and historical claims data. AI systems can also help reduce errors and ensure consistent decision making by eliminating human bias and using data-driven underwriting criteria. They can also handle basic customer queries, such as policy information and status updates.

Although AI and chatbots have the potential to speed up certain tasks in the insurance industry, some complex tasks, such as assessing claims credibility, still require human judgment and expertise.

10. receptionists

Receptionists may also be affected by AI, especially for tasks such as:

Basic phone inquiries, such as business hours and directions.

Scheduling appointments and appointment reminders.

Providing visitors with information and recommendations.

Providing a seamless and efficient experience for visitors that increases customer satisfaction and reduces wait times.

However, receptionists are still needed in situations that require personal interaction and a human touch. They may also focus on tasks that require skills and judgment, such as complex problem solving and critical thinking.

11. travel agency

As we have already noted, AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data. Based on this analysis, they can make recommendations based on factors such as flight schedules, ticket prices, and customer preferences. AI chatbots can also handle routine customer requests, such as flight status updates and basic ticketing questions.

However, despite technological advances, there are still situations that require face-to-face interaction and expertise, so the services of human travel agents are needed. For example, customers prefer to speak with a human agent for complex itineraries or to discuss travel options that are not easily found or accessible through AI systems.

12. bank employees

AI-powered systems can handle basic transactions, such as account inquiries and transfers. They can also analyze customer data and make personalized product recommendations. In addition, AI and chatbots can improve the customer banking experience by making it smoother and more efficient.

However, human bankers will still have important roles, such as resolving account issues or answering questions about financial decisions.

13. library assistant

Libraries are another area where AI can spice things up. Repetitive tasks such as data entry, cataloging, and classifying books will likely be handled by artificial intelligence in the future. In addition, AI-powered chatbots could provide users with quick and accurate answers to their questions and improve the user experience by suggesting books based on their interests or providing information about library hours and services.

However, human library assistants will still be responsible for tasks such as assisting with complex research projects and running library programs and events.

14. financial analyst

AI systems can:

Automate data collection and analysis.

Use machine learning techniques to create predictive models.

Analyze market data, historical returns, and other financial metrics to make investment recommendations and manage portfolios.

Monitor market trends and analyze financial data to identify and respond to potential risks.

However, this does not mean that financial analysts will be replaced. Although AI and chatbots can help automate some of their tasks, they will still need human oversight and interpretation of results.

15. translation and interpretation services.

AI-powered translation tools can translate texts quickly and accurately. In addition, chatbots can provide real-time translation and interpretation services and learn from vast amounts of data, improving their accuracy and ability to recognize and interpret different languages.

However, human expertise is still required for complex or culture-specific translation and interpretation.

16. clerks in order processing.

AI algorithms and chatbots can not only automate data entry, but also perform order tracking and inventory management tasks. In addition, chatbots can provide real-time customer services (e.g., answering questions about order status or tracking orders) and analyze customer data to provide insights into buying behavior and preferences.

Although chatbots can automate some aspects of the order processor role, problem-solving and decision-making tasks are part of the human employee role.

17. market research analyst

Because AI algorithms are capable of collecting, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data to create predictive models and can automate the creation of reports and presentations, it is very likely that they will take over some of the tasks of market research analysts.

Nonetheless, the main tasks of human market research analysts will be tasks that require creative thinking, critical analysis, and problem-solving skills that AI and chatbots do not possess.

18. human resource management

AI can automate many routine HR tasks, such as resume review, interview scheduling, and onboarding. It can also help with talent acquisition by matching job postings with the most qualified candidates. In addition, AI chatbots can provide employees with instant access to HR information, such as benefits and company policies.

However, AI chatbots will not replace HR professionals, but will enhance their capabilities and reduce their workload. The human element is still essential in HR, especially in terms of employee relations, conflict resolution and decision-making. While the role of HR professionals may change with the integration of AI and chatbots, they will continue to be critical to the success of the HR function.

19. property valuation and property management.

Integrating AI and chatbots into the real estate market can automate various tasks such as data entry, market analysis, and property inspections. AI systems can also provide real-time insights into market trends, property values, and rental rates. In addition, chatbots can act as virtual property managers, handling basic tenant inquiries and maintenance requests, improving the overall tenant experience.

These advances in artificial intelligence and chatbots can lead to greater efficiency, fewer errors, and higher customer satisfaction in property valuation and management. In this way, human employees will take on more complex, challenging tasks that require human judgment, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

20. survey researcher

Although AI and chatbots can handle data collection, entry, and analysis, and help process and analyze large amounts of information quickly, they will only take over a portion of the tasks performed by survey researchers.

AI integration in this area has the potential to lead to more accurate and comprehensive insights. In addition, AI-powered chatbots can interact with survey respondents, increasing response rates and providing real-time feedback.

The use of AI and chatbots in survey research will likely lead to a change in the skills required for the job, as survey researchers will need to develop new skills, such as working with AI tools and understanding the limitations and biases of AI algorithms. In addition, survey researchers will need their human expertise, creativity, and critical thinking skills to design surveys, interpret them, and analyze the results.

The bottom line.

Artificial intelligence and chatbots like ChatGPT have the potential to significantly impact a wide range of job functions and industries. From data entry to customer service and beyond, these technologies can automate routine tasks, allowing workers to focus on more strategic and challenging tasks.

While AI may transform some jobs, the technology also offers the opportunity to improve efficiency, productivity and customer experience. Workers and businesses must stay abreast of the changes and embrace new technologies to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving job market.